Monday, December 14, 2009

Are we really stewards of the world?

Many Scientist consider humans as the most invasive species, as humans can greatly change and environment and impact living things that reside there. Are we being stewards of the world? Take a look at an issue in which human activity has positively or negatively affected the biodiversity of our ecosystems.
As Humans i feel that it is our responsibility to take care or our planet and the plants animals and land on it. Now, as a sixteen year old girl living in the present day, I think we have done a horrible job in doing so. We are slowly killing every possible living organism with deforestation , greenhouse gases and carbon dioxide, Urban development, etc. The problem is that not enough poeple know what is happening to the earth. Yes i know that it won't severely affect us but it will affect humans of the future and could potentially destroy the earth. The ecosystems and living things all around the world are connected. Just think of it as the domino effect, when one things do the rest of us!

"We are upsetting the atmosphere upon which all life depends. In the late 80s when I began to take climate change seriously, we referred to global warming as a "slowmotion catastrophe" one we expected to kick in perhaps generations later. Instead, the signs of change have accelerated alarmingly"
David Suzuki

Our planet is very unique and is able to support all kinds of life. However, we humans have contributed to a number of disastrous climate change triggers. Over the past years there have been drastic increases in Carbon Dioxide levels, Greenhouse Gas levels, and in Land, water and air pollution levels around the world. Due to fossil fuel combustion, release of aerosols, and extensive land use and deforestation, the place we call home is slowly being destroyed. How many times have you seen a poster or heard someone talking about global warming? Global Warming refers to the increase in the temperatures of the earth due to release of greenhouse gases and methane from industries and vehicles. This is causing the glaciers to melt at an extremely fast rate. The problem is, most people will read this and think that it does not matter and it is not going to affect us... but they are wrong. Even the polar ice caps are melting at a faster rate, faster than it takes for them to form. So you may be wondering how we are causing these things to happen. Well, here is the answer. The gas from our cars, Smoke emissions from factories, and increasing pollution all affect the rise in the sea level, this in itself can cause the drowning of low lying areas. If the sea levels keep rising areas like Bangladesh, parts of Africa and even major cities like London and New York will eventually be underwater.

The issue of Global Warming is never going to go away unless we humans act now and start to change. As serious as the melting of the polar ice caps are, there are more issues that are triggered by pollution and greenhouse gases. Global warming is the increase in the average temperature of the Earth's near-surface air and oceans. I’m sure everyone is thinking warmer weather would be nice but that is only because we are not educated about what is actually happening to the earth’s atmosphere. Temperatures around the world are rising and weather patterns are becoming unpredictable. In fact, 1998 and 2005 were the hottest years in the history of the Earth. Global surface temperature increased 0.74 ± 0.18 °C between the start and the end of the 20th century. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) conclude that most of the temperature increase since the middle Of the 20th century was caused by increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases due to human activity such as Fossil fuel burning and deforestation.

The climate and we Humans are not the only things affected by Global Warming, Plants, Animals, the land and pretty much any living thing on this earth can easily be destroyed if things get to the point where we cannot control them. In fact, some species of plants and animals are already on the verge of extinction. Studies indicate that around 15 to 37 percent of plant and animal species will be wiped off the planet by the year 2050.Due to melting glaciers, see levels are rising and animals like Polar Bears, Penguins, and the Arctic Fox, caribou, butterflies, hibernating animals, migratory birds and various fish species as well are headed for extinction because their habitats are being destroyed. Polar bears depend on ice formed on the sea when hunting. If the ice melts, the hunting range of polar bear will decrease, this along with the loss of habitat will eventually lead to a decline in the polar bear population. Melting sea ice will also decrease the growth of algae, which will result in decline of tiny organisms, such as krill shrimp, which are a very important part of the penguin diet. Therefore, due to lack of food and loss of habitat, the penguin species will head towards extinction. The warmer temperature have been leading the Arctic fox further north in search of a cooler habitat, but the rate at which we are losing colder regions, the Arctic fox is unable to find liveable land to survive off of. With an increase in the gases like carbon dioxide, ozone, nitrous oxide, methane and water vapour in the atmosphere, the Earth has gotten nearly 14% hotter than what it used to be 50 years ago. Global Warming does not only affect ecosystems and Animals who strive on cold temperature to live, it also affects animals that depend on rainforest's, grasslands, and even deserts. With deforestation, many trees and other plants that provide food to herbivorous animals no longer exist, causing death because of starvation and lack of nutrition. This in turn has taken its toll on all other omnivorous and carnivorous animals too, making the entire animal life prone to extinction.

Drastic changes in temperature levels have caused many plants to have trouble adapting to the areas they depend on survival. The growing season of some plant species has also been affected, which has disturbed the reproduction cycle of the species and in result has caused changes the plant population. Even the changes in precipitation can also lead to serious effects on various plants. for example;Global warming effects on agriculture cause Frequent rains which lead to flooding, whereas less rain will result in drought. Both of these changes can lead to the destruction of agricultural fields. Hurricanes( also caused due to global warming), can also have a serious effect on plant life. Here are two more examples of the domino effect that i mentioned earlier; (1) The extinction of tiger will result in the increase of number of herbivores which will lead to excessive feeding and will result in depletion of the forest cover.(2) Extinction of birds will affect the pollination process and will affect the reproduction in plants. The bottom line is that taking all these things into consideration,Plant species are also expected to become extinct by the end of this century.
Out of all the species mentioned above, Humans would be the worst effected because we are dependent entirley on every single component our environment.When Animals and plants become extinct, it wont be to long before humans become extinct as well. Irregular weather like Warmer summers will mean more allergies and disease spreading insects, Unnatural precipitation will affect crops and agriculture, and rising temperatures will lead to warming of ocean which will increase the frequency of hurricanes. Destruction of coral reefs will lead to loss of marine life including fish which as everyone knows, are important to the human diet. the rising sea levels with have a heavy impact Coastal areas and the poeple living their.Glaciologist's estimate that if melting of glaciers at the present rate continues, around 20 percent of Bangladesh will get submerged in the sea by 2020. If these facts are not enough to change the habits of poeple around the world, then we better get ready to say goodbye to the planet earth. Climate change and global warming are irreversible so we all need to act now before it’s too late. I think we all need to think twice before we get into the car to drive somewhere that is walking distance and stop releasing harmful pollutants into the air.

"People tend to focus on the here and now. The problem is that, once global warming is something that most people can feel in the course of their daily lives, it will be too late to prevent much larger, potentially catastrophic changes"
Elizabeth Kolbert


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